
Name: Arashi
Meaning: ‘storm’ in Japanese

Age: unknown, presumed to be two years
Traits: hyper, happy, and joyous, downcast is rare
Symbol(s): A cross on her ear for her religion of Baptist

Family: mother (unknown), father (unknown), sister (wip), brother (wip)
Breed: husky mixed with German shepherd
Gender: female

: bi-
Relationship Status: open for dating but it won’t be serious until she’s sure she wants it

Personality: Arashi is a very happy husky and will rarely, if ever, growl at anyone or argue. She is sometimes seen as the ‘life’ of the pack, though Madladin doesn’t seem able to stand her for very long and Neritun outright ignores her. Even though she is mostly happy all of the time, she does get sad sometimes, especially after she wakes up from a nap. If someone wakes her, or someone sees her within two hours of her waking up, it isn’t a pretty sight because its known that Arashi is not a morning dog.

A night-owl at heart, Arashi will throw parties until sunrise and sleep until sunset, in which she’ll wake up and after getting herself together, she’ll throw another party.

Arashi is a very lonely dog, if you haven’t noticed, and it seems as if she has to have others around her. If she is alone her bright yellow eyes will turn a dark golden and therein lies the reason for her name. When she gets down, it’ll take a hurricane and a half to fix her.


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